Phase 1: Aligning Leaders - A workshop conducted by George Labovitz and Victor Rosansky
Key Deliverables:
- A Main Thing to focus all activities.
- Critical success factors for executing strategy.
- A plan to rapidly deploy strategy.
- "Metrics that move" to track progress.
Phase 2: Focusing: The Rapid Realignment Web based Platform
The Rapid Realignment Platform is the online home of all alignment activities. Built around a robust online community system, the Platform includes:
- A video message from the CEO.
- The alignment diagnostic.
- An alignment chat room/ blog to share best practices.
- Tracking and sharing of results.
- Creating Alignment by Measuring Alignment.
Phase 3: Measuring
Everyone completes the alignment diagnostic. Immediate results are analyzed, gaps identified, Action plans formulated.
Phase 4: Mobilizing the Organization
- Teams formed and trained.
- Teams close alignment gaps.
- Senior leadership reviews progress.
- Results are posted on the alignment website along with updates from management and recommendations and suggestions from employees.
Phase 5: Sustaining the Gains
Repeat the Rapid Realignment cycle in 6-9 months to track improvements.